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The Art of Storyboarding


"Directing films is both a creative and

 technical challenge. You need an edge;

 good storyboarding gives you that edge."  

   David Russell

       An expert analysis of the visual planning process, this Master Class teaches how to design powerful and dynamic film imagery that connects with its intended audiences. It provides an insider look at how a script can be enhanced through creative storyboarding, and how this critical tool is used by celebrated film directors to realize exactly the film they envision. The class is designed for professionals and students in the fields of directing, storyboarding, and pre-visualisation. It offers a practical set of techniques that can strengthen each filmmaker's storytelling ability.



     "I learned that by storyboarding, it's defined.  I shot it on paper in my head before I got to the shoot." ~ Ridley Scott, Director (Alien: Covenant, The Martian, Aliens, Blade Runner)

     "Storyboarding is a very integral part of my film making process. It allows my crew to know exactly what I need from them. David has a remarkable ability to translate my words into pictures. It's like talking to a camera." ~ Martin Campbell, Director (Green Lantern, Casino Royale,                 Goldeneye)

     "Storyboards have been essential to the success of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films. … David Russell is a master of the craft.” ~ Robert Watts, Producer (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

     "The storyboard for me is the way to visualise the entire movie in advance." ~ Martin Scorsese (Hugo, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver)

     "Storyboarding allows the production designer, director and cinematographer to focus their energies into a controlled frame, which leads to an increase in production value. It was an extreme honour to have shared with David Russell the acclaim received from the Academy Award-winning production of Moulin Rouge."  ~ Ian Gracie, Supervising Art Director (Alien: Covenant, The Wolverine, Moulin Rouge)


“I learned more in this Master Class about shot selection than I did during my entire time at film school. Whether you’re a cinematographer, director, or anything in between, I highly recommend it to everyone that’s interested in enhancing their storytelling techniques.”

       ~ Tobias Ohlsson

“This Master Class is a great thing.  You can never storyboard too much.”

       ~ Nils Claesson, Professor, Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts

"I really appreciate the in-depth information that you gave to us, as this area was lacking in my formal education."

       ~ James Howes

"David Russell's Master Class will be of fantastic benefit to our students.  It is not just sharing of technical skills, it is also a sharing of practical experience. It gives our students an inside view into the world of film, and opens new pathways for them."

       ~ Toni Bastianelli, Director of Haute Ecole de la Province de Liege
“The team of the Haute Ecole, students and myself were all delighted with the quality of the Master Class presentation.“ 

       ~ Muriel Brodure-Willain, Deputee provinciale, Liege, Belgium

“For anyone in the field of communication and media, this Master Class was very insightful, and presented information you can't get from other sources.”

       ~ Francoise Banier

David Russell’s Master Class presentation at Hyper Island was a big success. He contributed very much to our education with his deep knowledge, experience and craftsmanship. On this he adds a layer of personal purpose and strong, positive ethics.”

       ~ Jorg Teichgraeber, Program Director, Hyper Island Karlskrona

“David Russell's Master Class was one of the best presentations I have ever attended.  I learned so much from it.”

       ~ Matt Paulsen

"This Master Class made me realise how essential storyboarding is in filmmaking.   I will include funds for storyboarding in the budget for all future productions I am involved in." 

       ~ Chris Basso, Film Producer

“The Master Class information was priceless, and I can see an instant improvement in my work.”

       ~ Simon Jones-Tyridal

“I learned a great deal from this Master Class.  I find it invaluable to create a storyboard before shooting, and this seminar gave me plenty of new ideas about how to accomplish this.”

       ~ Ulf Myrvold, Television Producer

“David Russell’s Master Class was very useful for my work as a director, and a great inspiration.” 

       ~ Jacqueline Falk, Film Director

“It was immensely helpful and insightful to see all the inner workings of the storyboarding process, and the way the film business works.  The Master Class helped me solve problems and answered many questions for me.”

       ~ Tanja Milosavljevic

"This Master Class was full of insight and wisdom.  I finally understand what is required to make a meaningful and dynamic film."

         ~ Audun Gulliksen

"A wonderful and inspiring Master Class. The assignment was extremely helpful to understand how to think visually/dramatically when it comes to telling a story." 
       ~ Ingrid Lindberg

"One of the best courses I’ve attended in a long time."
       ~ Chris Ramos

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For information about upcoming Master Class presentations please contact:

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